Folding Inward: The Union of all through Divine Potentials.
Implosion is the complete embracement of the current self to the point of transformation into a higher expression of matter. This scalarized form ascends and phases through octaves of expression finding organization and harmony.
Explosion is the force of disgust within while lacking the will to modulate into coherence. This disorganized energy indulges dereliction of refinement and ascension.
The psyche of a culture indoctrinated with the idea that the entire universe within which our realm resides was conceived by purposeless chaos and explosive randomness is one of distrust and conflict within and without. This very maxim of fragmentation is at the root of anxiety and disunity, severing the threads which weave our reality into the fabric of truth.
All that is alive, enlivened or filled with spirit is uniquely expressing sameness, the sameness of sidereal circuitry and the eternal electric dynamo. Each living sameness, a generative gyre, imparts polarities, life force, and vibration into a mobile field of information and resonance. A strong connection with nature freely reveals this ubiquitous truth.
While many farmers, especially those in the biodynamic community, are in tune with this interdependence, a large number are not. Driven by cultural incentives and the ego’s need to divide, rule and conquer ideas, many farmers fall into the trap of separating the obviously co-emergent variables of crop production, blindly focusing upon the minutia of isolated factors while ignoring the inter-connectedness of cooperative sequences.
Attempting to resolve comprehensive data concerning variables such as soil minerals, pH, microbial life, soil chemistry or crop nutrient without the radical consideration of electrical, magnetic and eloptic energies, in addition to elemental forces and the alchemy of prayer, is an arbitrary endeavor. All of the metrics of soil scientism, while interesting and valid, are but residues of the divine reciprocation of potentials, charges, pressures and informational signals.
In every identifiable tonality of life is an undulation of cause and effect and breathe in, breathe out. These are relative positions or “locations of charge”. In this concept lies the true and observed precept of omni-variable relativity that guides our realm. All that is given must be received, revealing the potential phases of giving. All that is heard must be listened to, revealing the potential phases of hearing. All that is created must be venerated, revealing the polar potentials of God’s aggregate and perfect circuit.
— Christopher Winters
‘Implosion’ is the complete embracement of the current self to the point of transformation into a higher expression of matter. This scalarized form ascends and phases through octaves of expression finding organization and harmony.
‘Explosion’ is the force of disgust within while lacking the will to modulate into coherence. This disorganized energy indulges dereliction of refinement and ascension.
The psyche of a culture indoctrinated with the idea that the entire universe within which our realm resides was conceived by purposeless chaos and explosive randomness is one of distrust and conflict within and without. This very maxim of fragmentation is at the root of anxiety and disunity, severing the threads which weave our reality into the fabric of truth.
All that is alive, enlivened or filled with spirit is uniquely expressing sameness, the sameness of sidereal circuitry and the eternal electric dynamo. Each living sameness, a generative gyre, imparts polarities, life force, and vibration into a mobile field of information and resonance. A strong connection with nature freely reveals this ubiquitous truth.
While many farmers, especially those in the biodynamic community, are in tune with this interdependence, a large number are not. Driven by cultural incentives and the ego’s need to divide, rule and conquer ideas, many farmers fall into the trap of separating the obviously co-emergent variables of crop production, blindly focusing upon the minutia of isolated factors while ignoring the inter-connectedness of cooperative sequences.
Attempting to resolve comprehensive data concerning variables such as soil minerals, pH, microbial life, soil chemistry or crop nutrient without the radical consideration of electrical, magnetic and eloptic energies, in addition to elemental forces and the alchemy of prayer, is an arbitrary endeavor. All of the metrics of soil scientism, while interesting and valid, are but residues of the divine reciprocation of potentials, charges, pressures and informational signals.
In every identifiable tonality of life is an undulation of cause and effect and breathe in, breathe out. These are relative positions or “locations of charge”. In this concept lies the true and observed precept of omni-variable relativity that guides our realm. All that is given must be received, revealing the potential phases of giving. All that is heard must be listened to, revealing the potential phases of hearing. All that is created must be venerated, revealing the polar potentials of God’s aggregate and perfect circuit.
— Christopher Winters
Heart Order and The Art of Building Fertile Soul
Within the American Agricultural Landscape there exists a paradigm where farmers often experience heart attacks. This phenomena is most often attributed to long hours, intense work, financial struggles and the stresses of interaction with the unpredictable elements of nature. While these ideas are surrounded by a certain level of validity, they are but a pixel of the the whole image.
Lets examine another idea. The idea of Heart Order and the cause and effect of a lifestyle that does not foster the spiritual and emotional organization that generates this order. Even when well intentioned and organically minded, American farmers are steered toward agricultural and socio-cultural techniques and trends that usher in chaos to both soil and soul. From the use of chemicals and organic bi-products of commercial death to the hyper-consumption of processed food in rural farming communities, this resistance to natural order actualizes into the heart of the small universe that is a human being. Depending on the individual’s constitution, this will likely cause the heart to adopt a state of either excess or deficiency. The fire of the Spirit will become too hot or too weak. Either condition is not balanced and unbalanced is dis-orderly.
Who wouldn’t develop a condition of the heart and often the intestines from the anxiety brought about from poisoning your home, food, and body whilst creating a toxic product for others and perhaps enslaving animals? That’s a hard way to thrive. It would be for me at least. I got just enough of a taste of that to know I didn’t want anymore.
As my wife and I enter our 12th year farming, I won’t dare say it isn’t extremely difficult at times and can certainly be stressful. However, if you keep stacking bricks on a damaged foundation, your structure is bound to collapse and crumble. Destruction is assured. Stacking stress and extreme labor upon a Spirit unwilling to heal will likewise meet an early end. As humans, our foundation is our Spirit and it is worthy of repair.
The collective sum of all Spirits is what some call God. So, in turn, we collectively strengthen the power of God, the macro-cosmic, by individually restoring Heart Order within ourselves, the micro-cosmic.
-Christopher Winters
Within the American Agricultural Landscape there exists a paradigm where farmers often experience heart attacks. This phenomena is most often attributed to long hours, intense work, financial struggles and the stresses of interaction with the unpredictable elements of nature. While these ideas are surrounded by a certain level of validity, they are but a pixel of the the whole image.
Lets examine another idea. The idea of Heart Order and the cause and effect of a lifestyle that does not foster the spiritual and emotional organization that generates this order. Even when well intentioned and organically minded, American farmers are steered toward agricultural and socio-cultural techniques and trends that usher in chaos to both soil and soul. From the use of chemicals and organic bi-products of commercial death to the hyper-consumption of processed food in rural farming communities, this resistance to natural order actualizes into the heart of the small universe that is a human being. Depending on the individual’s constitution, this will likely cause the heart to adopt a state of either excess or deficiency. The fire of the Spirit will become too hot or too weak. Either condition is not balanced and unbalanced is dis-orderly.
Who wouldn’t develop a condition of the heart and often the intestines from the anxiety brought about from poisoning your home, food, and body whilst creating a toxic product for others and perhaps enslaving animals? That’s a hard way to thrive. It would be for me at least. I got just enough of a taste of that to know I didn’t want anymore.
As my wife and I enter our 12th year farming, I won’t dare say it isn’t extremely difficult at times and can certainly be stressful. However, if you keep stacking bricks on a damaged foundation, your structure is bound to collapse and crumble. Destruction is assured. Stacking stress and extreme labor upon a Spirit unwilling to heal will likewise meet an early end. As humans, our foundation is our Spirit and it is worthy of repair.
The collective sum of all Spirits is what some call God. So, in turn, we collectively strengthen the power of God, the macro-cosmic, by individually restoring Heart Order within ourselves, the micro-cosmic.
-Christopher Winters
Polarity, Magnitude and The Alignment of Wills.
Polarity is a term that refers to the relationship and relative orientation of electric and magnetic fields. It is the direction of current flow in an electrical circuit. Positive to Negative. Yang to Yin. The voltage in a circuit is simply the difference between the energy levels of two polarities. The human circuit and chi flow are no different in this respect. Our bodies’ polarity is very closely linked with our energy levels, health and overall vitality.
In medical Qigong, we utilize an exercise to re-establish polarity in our body, especially after crossing our legs while sitting or otherwise shorting signals within our bio-circuitry. We also use spinal alignment and other postural nuance to establish physical and spiritual polarity conducive to high magnetic chi flow.
Likewise, when employing a Lakhovsky ring with a plant or tree, the angle of the ring may be adjusted to experiment with different polarities. The polarity, in this case, is in relation to the ring face and will effect the magnitude and possible voltage of the oscillating Lakhovsky circuit.
Again, this illustrates the intimate relationship between polarity and the magnitude of energy that is generated and what direction it may flow. Manly P. Hall says “No mineral is valuable in medicine for it’s chemical content but for the poles of energy which it sets up when it is introduced into the human body.” So even the effectiveness of medicines can be viewed through a polarized lens.
A circuit may find a polarity that lends to enhanced coherence, or the consistent relationship between the phase of waves in a beam of radiation. Complete coherence requires complete polarization and it is impossible to have coherent light that is fully un-polarized. In either a Lakhovsky ring or a human being, coherence with source waves fosters higher magnitude of energy generation. We can also help create a bio-circuitry apt to elevated coherence through the alignment of wills, cultivation of spleen energy to enhance diving trust and honoring our heart-order.
I invite you to try the exercise at the end of the video below. This is a personal polarity reset exercise. It is an implosive maneuver to re-establish correct bio-circuitry. For men the left hand is placed on top of the right as I demonstrate in the video. For women the right hand is on top of the left. Remember to keep eyes open when purging turbid chi.
“We can only obey our own Polarity.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Polarity is a term that refers to the relationship and relative orientation of electric and magnetic fields. It is the direction of current flow in an electrical circuit. Positive to Negative. Yang to Yin. The voltage in a circuit is simply the difference between the energy levels of two polarities. The human circuit and chi flow are no different in this respect. Our bodies’ polarity is very closely linked with our energy levels, health and overall vitality.
In medical Qigong, we utilize an exercise to re-establish polarity in our body, especially after crossing our legs while sitting or otherwise shorting signals within our bio-circuitry. We also use spinal alignment and other postural nuance to establish physical and spiritual polarity conducive to high magnitude chi flow.
Likewise, when employing a Lakhovsky ring with a plant or tree, the angle of the ring may be adjusted to experiment with different polarities. The polarity, in this case, is in relation to the ring face and will effect the magnitude and possible voltage of the oscillating Lakhovsky circuit.
Again, this illustrates the intimate relationship between polarity and the magnitude of energy that is generated and what direction it may flow. Manly P. Hall says “No mineral is valuable in medicine for it’s chemical content but for the poles of energy which it sets up when it is introduced into the human body.” So even the effectiveness of medicines can be viewed through a polarized lens.
A circuit may find a polarity that lends to enhanced coherence, or the consistent relationship between the phase of waves in a beam of radiation. Complete coherence requires complete polarization and it is impossible to have coherent light that is fully un-polarized. In either a Lakhovsky ring or a human being, coherence with source waves fosters higher magnitude of energy generation. We can also help create a bio-circuitry apt to elevated coherence through the alignment of wills, cultivation of spleen energy to enhance divine trust and honoring our heart-order.
I invite you to try the exercise at the end of the video below. This is a personal polarity reset exercise. It is an implosive maneuver to re-establish correct bio-circuitry. For men the left hand is placed on top of the right as I demonstrate in the video. For women the right hand is on top of the left. Remember to keep eyes open when purging turbid chi.
“We can only obey our own Polarity.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
-Christopher Winters
The Burden of Union
Plastic can be sacred. Wood can be corporate. Water can be beneficial or detrimental to us based on it’s resonance and structural integrity. Nature is everything. There is nothing that escapes her manifold. The idea that something “man-made” is of a lower caste than that of something produced by other life-forms such as animals, plants and air is perhaps the result of a legacy of shame or maybe an avoidance of responsibility that is found easier than the burden of union.
Man and woman have the ability to create that which is harmonious as well as that which is non-harmonious, that which brings order to the heart as well as that which brings entropy to the spirit. I’ve seen animals commit extreme violence and I’ve seen human beings try to heal one another. I’ve seen plants choke out other plants and I’ve seen people sit in trees for months to save them.
We are all learning. All of us. All life-forms. All manifestations. Learning together.
Truly Inseparable
Plastic can be sacred. Wood can be corporate. Water can be beneficial or detrimental to us based on it’s resonance and structural integrity. Nature is everything. There is nothing that escapes her manifold. The idea that something “man-made” is of a lower caste than that of something produced by other life-forms such as animals, plants and air is perhaps the result of a legacy of shame or maybe an avoidance of responsibility that is found easier than the burden of union.
Man and woman have the ability to create that which is harmonious as well as that which is non-harmonious, that which brings order to the heart as well as that which brings entropy to the spirit. I’ve seen animals commit extreme violence and I’ve seen human beings try to heal one another. I’ve seen plants choke out other plants and I’ve seen people sit in trees for months to save them.
We are all learning. All of us. All life-forms. All manifestations. Learning together.
Truly Inseparable
-Christopher Winters
Paramagnetism, volcanos and protoplasmic emissions from the solar caldera.
We are currently enjoying our 11th year farming vegetables here in Middle Tennessee. We are first generation farmers which means we acquired our land and all the equipment required for small vegetable farming when we began this journey. The property we purchased had long been neglected and we were starting with a couple of acres of grass. After a few years of making what we would consider large purchases (BCS tractor and implements, atv and dumping trailer, hoop houses and high tunnels, seeders, walk in cooler amongst other things) we are finally at a stage where we have most of the equipment required for our small farm. Still there are many expenses which not only include constant maintenance on the farm tools and equipment, but also supplies such as seed, compost, amendments and potting soil. There’s a lot of recurring expenses in small farming, for sure.
A volcano, like the sun, is an atomic energy system generating cosmic radiations in a myriad of forms. The sun emits waves of positively charged bio-photonic protoplasmic energy. Volcanos emit rock minerals with an analogous cosmic charge that is inclined toward or advances toward a magnetic field. This charge toward a magnetic field is referred to as paramagnetism. The complimentary charge associated with earth energy that is not inclined toward a magnetic field is known as diamagnetism. Using the language of Qigong, these magnetic potentials would be seen as Yang (paramagnetic) and Yin (diamagnetic). These are not truly “two” energies but ever transitional polarities of the universal One. The advancing and the yielding, waxing and waning, the positive and the negative, Heaven and Earth are all manifestations of this principle. The fire is the Heaven and the water is the Earth. Together the fire and water create steam, a source of energy. Neither can power the steam engine alone.
Rivers are observed flowing between a paramagnetic rock bank and a bank of diamagnetic rock oppositely. These banks are known as the “sun” and “shade” banks in Chinese medicine. The sun bank is comprised of paramagnetic positively charged Yang rock like basalt or granite. The shade bank usually demonstrates diamagnetic negatively charged Yin rock like limestone or gypsum. The flux of polarities of these geologically capacitated Heaven and Earth forces through the excellent conductor of water is one way to view the generation of “current” via electro-magnetic induction. This current can be observed as electrical flow and physical flow of the river. Electrical currents create magnetic fields and can then further impart the polar phases of magnetism into the rocks. This is an example of a perfect system of auto-regeneration.
Current is positive to negative flow. River flow from a high elevation “Yang” position to the “Yin” position of the sea. The ever transitional potentials of the bank’s geologies induce voltage which interfaces with the living world that requires voltage (resistors.) This is “current” throughout every lens of study.
When electro-magnetically enlivened waters are combined with humates of decaying carbon and rock sediments rich fertile deltas are developed. These are special places for agriculture proliferation. Highly paramagnetic rock, specifically basalt, has been used historically to promote benevolence and abundance in agriculture. The round towers of Ireland are arranged on the ground in a recursive pattern in relation to the stars of the night sky. This again shows the connection between paramagnetic rock, cosmic forces and sidereal/celestine emanations. Phil Callahan referred to these towers as “dielectric, wave-guide antennae for photon energy.”
“Basaltic prisms of Santa Maria Regia, Mexico”
We utilize highly paramagnetic basalt as the core filling in all of our electroculture antenna models, combining the science of authentic electroculture antennas with the technologies of ancient times. The addition of basalt to the antenna core not only increases the function of harnessing cations (positive ions), but also creates a basalt battery. Basalt is one of the only rock minerals with high capacitance potential in it’s raw form.
Paramagnetism is the fatherly “Yang” component advancing toward the magnetic field of earth bringing creative cosmic light (gravity). The motherly “Yin” earth receives and accepts. Together a wave is born. The Dao of Heaven creates with strength unceasing. The earth develops it’s achievement of creativity through it’s capacity for faithfulness.
-Christopher Winters
PACT “Plasma Activated Compost Tea”
We are currently enjoying our 11th year farming vegetables here in Middle Tennessee. We are first generation farmers which means we acquired our land and all the equipment required for small vegetable farming when we began this journey. The property we purchased had long been neglected and we were starting with a couple of acres of grass. After a few years of making what we would consider large purchases (BCS tractor and implements, atv and dumping trailer, hoop houses and high tunnels, seeders, walk in cooler amongst other things) we are finally at a stage where we have most of the equipment required for our small farm. Still there are many expenses which not only include constant maintenance on the farm tools and equipment, but also supplies such as seed, compost, amendments and potting soil. There’s a lot of recurring expenses in small farming, for sure.
We are currently enjoying our 11th year farming vegetables here in Middle Tennessee. We are first generation farmers which means we acquired our land and all the equipment required for small vegetable farming when we began this journey. The property we purchased had long been neglected and we were starting with a couple of acres of grass. After a few years of making what we would consider large purchases (BCS tractor and implements, atv and dumping trailer, hoop houses and high tunnels, seeders, walk in cooler amongst other things) we are finally at a stage where we have most of the equipment required for our small farm. Still there are many expenses which not only include constant maintenance on the farm tools and equipment, but also supplies such as seed, compost, amendments and potting soil. There’s a lot of recurring expenses in small farming, for sure.
So when our custom blended potting soil that we have to purchase in 2 pallet quantities ( a large part of our yearly budget) turned out to be lacking in usable Nitrogen we were inspired to innovate. So, making lemonade out of lemons, I started on a project I had been wanting to work on all Summer but hadn’t made the time yet. PACT, plasma activated compost tea. I utilized a CW2 paramagnetic Electroculture antenna mounted outside the greenhouse at a height of around 10 ft. The antenna’s telluric rod oriented south as you would for any application. The insulated wire coming from the CW2 antenna runs into the reservoir and is bonded to the southern side of a copper tensor ring. On the opposing, northern, side of the tensor ring, I bonded a section of the same insulated wire that runs out of the reservoir and is attached to a 4 gauge copper ground wire that runs deep into the earth. This provides our negative potential to the antenna’s positive. The tensor ring acts as a resistor as well as adding it’s own piezoelectric charge and vibrational resonance to the water. “Living” water is water with current. Current is positive to negative flow. Even “still” waters can harness current.
Using a scalar plasma projector, ambient air is brought into the plasma phase with electrical energy. The activated air is then brought into contact with the tea. Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen dissolve into the tea creating Plasma Activated Compost Tea. This is bio-mimicry of a thunderstorm where lightning comes into contact with rain and soil.
I made a video explaining the process that I have attached below. Adding 4 cups of vegetable waste compost, 1 cup of paramagnetic basalt powder, 2 TBS molasses and 12 drops of monatomic gold, I brew the tea in a mesh bag for at least 12 hours but no longer than 24 hours.
We’ve got our gardens planted with all the Fall and early Winter greens, roots and other cool weather crops and we’ll be planting our greenhouses soon. I can’t wait to start spraying them with this nutrient rich PACT that I will continue to make for years to come. Please view my video and if you’re interested in setting up a Electroculture enhanced tea brewing, check out my CW2 paramagnetic Electroculture antenna here.
As always, if you have any inquiries about Electroculture or need help with a set up in your own farm or gardens, please reach out and I will be happy to assist. Many blessings.
-Christopher Winters
Fall is an opportune time to install The Fertile Current Electroculture systems
For both professional vegetable growers and home gardeners, Autumn is a season full of opportunities that, if taken, can provide a wealth of abundance before Winter. As well, it sets the scene for success in the upcoming Spring. In our early years of farming, we most certainly had several less than stellar Summer seasons and were able to counteract the consequences both financially and psychologically by focusing on Fall gardens and prioritizing efforts that would coalesce into an abundant array of Fall and early Winter crops.
It’s also an excellent time to install Electroculture antennas and ground lines. For us, this can be one of only a few moments on the farm where a complete bed or collection of beds can be clear for a week or two. This makes it an excellent time to install antennas, lay ground wires, spread compost and distribute rock powders. Not only will this immediately benefit Fall gardens but effects will be drastically noticeable in the following Spring after the Electroculture systems have all Winter to generate and capacitate voltage in the soil. This also allows time for the compost to transmute soil elements into their higher potential forms
For both professional vegetable growers and home gardeners, Autumn is a season full of opportunities that, if taken, can provide a wealth of abundance before Winter. As well, it sets the scene for success in the upcoming Spring. In our early years of farming, we most certainly had several less than stellar Summer seasons and were able to counteract the consequences both financially and psychologically by focusing on Fall gardens and prioritizing efforts that would coalesce into an abundant array of Fall and early Winter crops.
It’s also an excellent time to install Electroculture antennas and ground lines. For us, this can be one of only a few moments on the farm where a complete bed or collection of beds can be clear for a week or two. This makes it an excellent time to install antennas, lay ground wires, spread compost and distribute rock powders. Not only will this immediately benefit Fall gardens but effects will be drastically noticeable in the following Spring after the Electroculture systems have all Winter to generate and capacitate voltage in the soil. This also allows time for the compost to transmute soil elements into their higher potential forms.
The CEC (cation exchange capacity) of the soil is also reduced in the Spring due to low temperatures. Nitrogens remain “unfixed” in cold soils which subsequently slows plant growth. Adding nitrogen fertilizers at this time to offset the effect can attract aphids and lead to the bio-accumulation of ammoniums in the soil as I describe here.
By installing Electroculture systems, this issue is resolved. The feeble voltage generated via the antenna features and electromagnetic induction catalyze the fixing of nitrogens constantly, all day everyday, throughout all seasons and consequently mitigate the accumulation of ammoniums as well. Once installed, Electroculture systems from The Fertile Current run freely and require no additional financial inputs. Not only are Electroculture systems an investment in garden productivity, they have the potential to manifest a healing our earth desperately requires.
-Christopher Winters
Redefining sustainable agriculture through solutionary electroculture and qigong medicine
“Sustainable Agriculture” is a term commonly viewed through a relatively limited lens. From my experience, this must include sustaining the physical, mental and spiritual health of the agriculturalist. These are often overlooked aspects in sustaining an expansive non-static interest in agriculture, especially given the demanding nature of the work.