Fall is an opportune time to install The Fertile Current Electroculture systems

For both professional vegetable growers and home gardeners, Autumn is a season full of opportunities that, if taken, can provide a wealth of abundance before Winter. As well, it sets the scene for success in the upcoming Spring. In our early years of farming, we most certainly had several less than stellar Summer seasons and were able to counteract the consequences both financially and psychologically by focusing on Fall gardens and prioritizing efforts that would coalesce into an abundant array of Fall and early Winter crops. 

It’s also an excellent time to install Electroculture antennas and ground lines. For us, this can be one of only a few moments on the farm where a complete bed or collection of beds can be clear for a week or two. This makes it an excellent time to install antennas, lay ground wires, spread compost and distribute rock powders. Not only will this immediately benefit Fall gardens but effects will be drastically noticeable in the following Spring after the Electroculture systems have all Winter to generate and capacitate voltage in the soil. This also allows time for the compost to transmute soil elements into their higher potential forms. 

The CEC (cation exchange capacity) of the soil is also reduced in the Spring due to low temperatures. Nitrogens remain “unfixed” in cold soils which subsequently slows plant growth. Adding nitrogen fertilizers at this time to offset the effect can attract aphids and lead to the bio-accumulation of ammoniums in the soil as I describe here.

By installing Electroculture systems, this issue is resolved. The feeble voltage generated via the antenna features and electromagnetic induction catalyze the fixing of nitrogens constantly, all day everyday, throughout all seasons and consequently mitigate the accumulation of ammoniums as well. Once installed, Electroculture systems from The Fertile Current run freely and require no additional financial inputs. Not only are Electroculture systems an investment in garden productivity, they have the potential to manifest a healing our earth desperately requires.

-Christopher Winters


PACT “Plasma Activated Compost Tea”


Redefining sustainable agriculture through solutionary electroculture and qigong medicine