After growing up in an urban environment, both my wife and I made the conscious decision to raise our son in a rural setting, farming a piece of land that had been left fallow for many years. As first generation vegetable farmers, we had everything to learn. This journey of a lifetime led us to become the only “veganic” farmers in our area.
In the midst of our 7th year, I began training in the field of Medical Qigong and became a certified practitioner. I realized during this time that much of what I was learning about healing the body was also directly applicable to agriculture. Restoring the poor health of a traumatized human body is principally the same as revitalizing neglected terrain. To fully thrive, both require a balancing of yin/yang (diamagnetic/paramagnetic) energies.
I had been introduced to electroculture early in our farming endeavor but it didn’t “click” until I was rooted in my Qigong studies.
With a lifelong interest in metaphysics, along with a small number of personal teachers who introduced me to the fields of ethnobotanical medicines, radionics, dowsing, frequency medicine and over a decade of 4 season organic production farming, I gained a personal realization that everything is ONE. Designed to enliven and enrich the soils and lives of those who reap from it, I reverently offer these products as solutionary measures.