Paramagnetism, volcanos and protoplasmic emissions from the solar caldera.
A volcano, like the sun, is an atomic energy system generating cosmic radiations in a myriad of forms. The sun emits waves of positively charged bio-photonic protoplasmic energy. Volcanos emit rock minerals with an analogous cosmic charge that is inclined toward or advances toward a magnetic field. This charge toward a magnetic field is referred to as paramagnetism. The complimentary charge associated with earth energy that is not inclined toward a magnetic field is known as diamagnetism. Using the language of Qigong, these magnetic potentials would be seen as Yang (paramagnetic) and Yin (diamagnetic). These are not truly “two” energies but ever transitional polarities of the universal One. The advancing and the yielding, waxing and waning, the positive and the negative, Heaven and Earth are all manifestations of this principle. The fire is the Heaven and the water is the Earth. Together the fire and water create steam, a source of energy. Neither can power the steam engine alone.
Rivers are observed flowing between a paramagnetic rock bank and a bank of diamagnetic rock oppositely. These banks are known as the “sun” and “shade” banks in Chinese medicine. The sun bank is comprised of paramagnetic positively charged Yang rock like basalt or granite. The shade bank usually demonstrates diamagnetic negatively charged Yin rock like limestone or gypsum. The flux of polarities of these geologically capacitated Heaven and Earth forces through the excellent conductor of water is one way to view the generation of “current” via electro-magnetic induction. This current can be observed as electrical flow and physical flow of the river. Electrical currents create magnetic fields and can then further impart the polar phases of magnetism into the rocks. This is an example of a perfect system of auto-regeneration.
Current is positive to negative flow. River flow from a high elevation “Yang” position to the “Yin” position of the sea. The ever transitional potentials of the bank’s geologies induce voltage which interfaces with the living world that requires voltage (resistors.) This is “current” throughout every lens of study.
When electro-magnetically enlivened waters are combined with humates of decaying carbon and rock sediments rich fertile deltas are developed. These are special places for agriculture proliferation. Highly paramagnetic rock, specifically basalt, has been used historically to promote benevolence and abundance in agriculture. The round towers of Ireland are arranged on the ground in a recursive pattern in relation to the stars of the night sky. This again shows the connection between paramagnetic rock, cosmic forces and sidereal/celestine emanations. Phil Callahan referred to these towers as “dielectric, wave-guide antennae for photon energy.”
“Basaltic prisms of Santa Maria Regia, Mexico”